Radial Development Group

Don't go alone, take us!

This isn't your first rodeo.

You’ve seen what happens when you jump into the deep end; when you try to figure all this tech stuff out on your own. It was ok at the beginning, but you didn’t end up where you thought you would at the end.

Hey, we’ve all been there! But you have real goals and a real budget and cowboy time is over. It’s time to bring in the professionals. You need people you can trust to get the job done, not just started. Reliable partners who are in your corner for the long haul. They won’t disappear or stop answering when the going gets tough.

After all you wanted this kind of commitment and transparency. You needed someone on the other end of the line! What’s us! Your technology lifeline. Your trail partner. Thick and thin, ready to help, when you need it.

What’s included Let’s chat about your next adventure

Pricing: $2,000 to $4,000

Charged per month with a 3 month no-commitment period, and a subsequent 12-month commitment thereafter.

Based on whether we are working with a single point of contact or multiple stakeholders, our pricing is designed to offer an easy way to engage.

What’s included in a “Partnership” plan

Preliminary to new software (Stage 1)

A Radial Advisor/Senior Staff Member/Product Manager will work with you on an ongoing basis to answer questions about your technical goals.

  • Research and identify SaaS and off-the-shelf solutions for cost-center problems as an alternative to large capital expenditures
  • Proactively develop a roadmap based on priorities for your business
  • Scope and define an execution plan for behavioral research*
  • Scope and define a minimum viable product that will provide an effective foundation for your endeavor.
  • Delegate the launch of web site and interest aggregation tooling (e.g. Newsletter signup)
  • Be available to answer questions about technology and solutions
  • Discuss adjacent concerns such as operations, customer support planning, marketing, fund raising, and sales.

Software Development and Support (Stage 2)

A Developer Lead will work with you on an ongoing basis to plan the next phase of work and may advise a periodic pause in development to allow users to use the software and give feedback about existing features.

Does not cover major software development

  • Covers Project Management and Agile Rituals*
  • Regularly meet with Client about next steps and feature priorities
  • Scope and define execution plan 6 weeks rolling into the future
  • Update website documentation for features
  • Be available to answer questions about technology and solutions throughout this period

Long Term Support (Stage 3)

A Maintenance Team Member will monitor your software for vulnerabilities and tooling updates and make changes as required. Error reporting systems will be monitored and issues will be triaged. Critical issues will be fixed. Advisor and Senior staff will be available to work with you on incidental questions and a Dev Lead can be assigned anytime to resume work.

  • Error Reporting and Triage
  • Tooling Updates
  • Scope and define execution plan for us little as 2 weeks of work
  • Be available to answer questions about technology and solutions throughout this period

Mutliple Stages

It is normal for an oragnization to be in multiple stages at once. We anticipate that most engagements will begin in stage 1 – where we are discussing solutions and planning – but that stage 1 activies will continue as we build out development in stage 2. Similarly, once we there is software in production, we enter stage 3, but we will continue to engage in stage 1 conversations at this point. We’ll also have ongoing development as in stage 2, so eventually, we anticipate customers will effectively be partnering with us in all 3 capacities.


Starting in 2024 we started packaging our maintenance plan in our full partnership agreement.

How it works

This is about efficiency and cost savings.

Regular management of vulnerability disclosures, bugfixes, and major platform updates ensures that your app runs reliably in the changing enviroment of the internet and mobile ecosystems. By performing these functions in parallel for multiple clients, we can do all the work of learning the change once and performing it many times. We can offer this for far less that the hourly cost of performing it once for you and because of the process, it WILL take less time on the whole.

We also monitor for automated error reports, aggregate, and triage, and fix critical issues before they become an issue. We can proactively avoid outages and disruptions. We can ensure that api integrations continue to work without issue.

Currently supported Stacks

  • Ruby/Ruby on Rails
  • Python/Django
  • Elixir/Phoenix
  • Looking for clients with Xamarin/Maui/C#/.NET.

In addition to all the reactive work we do, this also allows us to be proactive in maintaining familiarity with your codebase so we can quickly ramp up should changes to the platform be neccesary or desired.

Product Roadmap Development

We understand about big dreams. We have helped people to build multiple companies from them. We also know that to eat an elephant, you must do it one spoonful at a time.

Roadmap development allows us to optimize your development timeline to ensure that spending is strategic and that what you build begins addressing your target market right away; That way, you don’t run out of money before you realize your vision and your don’t sink all your savings into something that can’t make it in the market.

Let's Chat about your next Adventure

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